Thursday, February 16, 2012

3d Landscapes as artwork

3D Landscape Design

Many landscape designers consider the plans they present to clients to be beautiful and creative works of art.

 Do I?

First of all, I have never been known for my handywork with a paintbrush, pencil, pen or any of the like. I even had to take a special class in 3rd or 4th grade to help me with my penmanship. To be honest, it didn't help. So, now that you know how great my penmanship is, you may also be glad to know that I do not create my landscape designs in pen or pencil. All my designs are done with the program Dynascape Design and Sketch3d. And yes, I do consider my designs to be works of art..... just computer aided works of art (for those of us who are drawing impaired).

If I were to tell you that you could see almost exactly how your landscape would look like after the following design is implemented. Would you tell me "no thanks, I have seen enough with the 2d model."
My guess is "certainly not."

You Decide

Here's a basic black & white

Heres the design in color

Here is what the property actually looks like right now

Now for the 3D Modeling

Want to see your potential landscape in 3D?.....
Contact Ryan Wikman, the owner of WikWorks, Inc, also visit our contact page or visit our website

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